Industry news

  • Disposable Feminine Care Hygiene Product for Postpartum Women

    Disposable Feminine Care Hygiene Product for Postpartum Women

    pregnant Ten Monthes and gave birth at the end of the day. finally gave birth to the baby. However, after the mother gave birth, her body resistance decreased and she also faced constant lochia. Improper care and careless hygiene can easily cause maternal infection. If you want your confinement t...
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  • Disposable Sanitary Pants for Postpartum New Mama Pregnant Women

    Disposable Sanitary Pants for Postpartum New Mama Pregnant Women

    A disposable sanitary trousers for puerpera A disposable hygienic pants for puerpera includes underwear body, which consists of a leak-proof layer, a moisture absorption layer and a surface layer superimposed from bottom to top. The front and back waists of the underwear body are separated and ar...
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  • How does it feel for an adult to wear diapers for the first time because of urinary incontinence?

    How does it feel for an adult to wear diapers for the first time because of urinary incontinence?

    A story about Urinary Incontinence It was about the end of the 17th year that there was a state of urine leakage. I didn’t care too much at the beginning. I thought it was occasional. I didn’t get serious until later. (Don’t learn from me, you must find and treat early.) Because I was...
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  • Natural Organic Disposable Sanitary Napkin

    What is Natual Organic Santiary Napkin? The material used to make sanitary napkins is made of pure natural organic cotton, pure plant fiber. Nursing care of the female genitals is particularly important for women’s health, and the most susceptible to infections of the genitals is during menstrua...
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  • Adult Incontinence Pull up Pants for Elder Care

    The Incontinence Products market worldwide is projected to grow by US$5.9 Billion, driven by a compounded growth of 6.3%. Disposable Adult Diapers, one of the segments analyzed and sized in this study, displays the potential to grow at over 6.2%. The shifting dynamics supporting this growth make...
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  • Disposable Period Pants save your traveling or Business Trip

    I got my period a few months before I turned 10 years old, so you’d think I would have this bleeding-out-of-my-vagina-every-month thing down by now. But still, it’s a pain in the a** each time. I’m not a huge fan of tampons, mostly because I have slightly irrational TSS-anxiety...
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